The Healing Power of Purpose

By Dr. Dee Hester

Knowing your purpose provides a strong foundation for healing the soul amidst trials, positioning you to live a life of faith and power. When you are clear on your purpose—whether it be to spread love, serve others, or fulfill a specific calling—you are better equipped to be secure and strong in the Lord. A sense of purpose gives you a reason to keep pushing forward, even when circumstances seem hopeless to the natural eye. It allows you to find meaning in the middle of suffering and persevere with confidence through the darkest of times.

Knowing your purpose enables you to find peace in the truth that God is using even the most painful experiences for your good. Romans 8:28 reminds us that God works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. This promise offers hope and reassurance that there is a greater plan at work, even when we can’t see it in the moment. The power of your faith and belief in your purpose will strengthen your spirit while leading you to receive the manifestation of an abundance of blessings beyond your imagination.

Take some time to meditate on the word of God and find biblical figures like Job, who faced unimaginable loss and suffering, yet triumphed over every tragic hardship. He is a testament to the power of knowing one’s purpose in the face of adversity. Despite his trials, Job remained faithful to God and trusted in His plan, ultimately finding healing and restoration in the end. Like Job, when rooted in our purpose and trust in the sovereignty of God, we can find peace and healing in the midst of our own struggles.

As believers, understanding purpose also helps you to see the bigger picture beyond current circumstances. It allows you to shift your perspective from the immediate pain and suffering to the eternal hope and promise that lies ahead. When you know your purpose, you can see that your trials are not without meaning or purpose—they are part of a larger story that is guiding you towards growth, transformation, and ultimately, healing.

Always remember, knowing your purpose provides a firm foundation for healing the soul when faced with unthinkable challenges. It gives you a reason to keep moving forward; a sense of meaning in the midst of suffering, and an assurance that God is working all things for your good (Romans 8:28). By understanding your purpose, identifying your triggers, and anchoring yourself in the promises of God, you can navigate through the storms of life with resilience, faith, and hope.

Because of the Holy Spirit living within you, there is an unlimited supply of healing power inside. Through it all, remember your purpose is not just a destination—it is a guiding light that will lead you towards healing, restoration, and transformation. As you navigate through the trials, triggers and triumphs of life, don’t ever forget that there is so much more in you!

Dr. Dee Hester is certified Life Coach and Christian Counselor at Newburgh Theological Seminary. She is a Mentor, Educator and Author, and the founder/director of Kingdom Business Bible College and More in You Coaching.

About Purpose Guide

Ella Coleman is a professional speaker, purpose/vision consultant, publisher and author. She is publisher PURPOSE Magazine and president of Ellavation Publishing, LLC. The company provides book/magazine consultation, coaching, and publishing. Also, Ella is the founder of the Purpose For Life Foundation, an education facilitating, non-profit organization.

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